Terms of References (TORs)
TORs focus on the review and reform of laws other than the Constitutional Laws: the Acts of Parliaments and their respective subordinate laws. For the review of ordinary laws, a Reference is issued by the Minister for Justice and Attorney General, or the National Parliament through the Speaker to the Commission. TORs take 18 months to complete.
References are also triggered via following ways: first, by CLRC on its own research initiatives; second, by a referral by the Commissioners; and third, submissions from the citizens. Findings from these initiatives must be converted to a formal TOR from the Minister. Below is the process for review of TORs:
Research initiatives.
Request for TOR from the Minister for Justice and Attorney General.
Establish Internal Working Group.
Establish Working Committee (External stakeholders).
Develop Issues Paper
Launch the Issues Paper
Stakeholder consultations
Draft Report
Final Report (Submit to the Minister)