The Members of the Commission are the basically the Board of the Commission, consisting of a Chairperson; and six (6) prominent citizens as Commissioners.
The Chairperson is either a sitting member of the National Parliament who is appointed by the Head of State, acting on advice of the Prime Minister; or a retired judge of the National and Supreme Courts. The Chairman can also be a person who is eligible for appointment as a Judge to the National and Supreme Courts and is appointed by the Head of State, acting on advice of the Prime Minister, after receiving a report from the Judicial and Legal Services Commission. In the short history of the Commission since 2004, however, only Members of Parliament have been appointed as Chairman of the Commission.
Deputy Chairperson
Deputy Chairperson shall be elected by the members of the Commission amongst their own number.
The Commissioners
The six (6) prominent members of the Commission are appointed by the Minister for Justice by notice in the National Gazette as follows:
two serving members of Parliament, each presenting the Government and the Oppostion;
a person with qualifications and experience in constitutional law;
a person with qualifications and experience in anthropology, sociology, or political science;
a person representative the Churches, who is nominated by the Papua New Guinea Council of Churches; and
and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Papua New Guinea, who is an ex officio